The Impending Digital Nomad Revolution is NOW

It has been around, but this time it is real.

Photo by Mike Swigunski on Unsplash

The digital nomad revolution is upon us. And, this time, it’s the real deal.

For about a decade, we’ve seen people all around the world unhook their leash and begin a journey that has come to be known as digital nomadism.

A career journey unlike any other. Utilizing the power of the Internet to make an income from cafes around the world. Letting go of the traditional 9 to 5 office job in favor of something a little more freeing.

It has a good ring to it. It’s an easy sell if you ask me.

However, until now, the digital nomad community has been rather elusive. Although it has been growing in popularity since the first digital nomad launched from home (whoever that was), there’s always been a negative connotation around it.

These people just want to have fun their whole life. They wouldn’t know hard work if it hit them in the face.

You can’t make a career online. Your clients are going to want to see you in-person.

Why can’t you get a normal job like everyone else? Employers are going to wonder about this career gap.

To all these things I’ve heard before, I just shake my head. Look at us now, we’ve created a revolution. Now, not only are the community numbers growing like never before, but regular office folks are utilizing the power of remote work too.

I joined the digital nomad community in 2015 after my first trip abroad. I came home with a vision — I’d be a travel blogger and use the world as my office.

I moved abroad months later with a plan that didn’t have a lot of structure. Many things didn’t pan out the way I saw them and, yet, things ended up just how I imagined.

It wasn’t an easy road — much of my first year on the road was income-less. Still, I pushed through and eventually carved my own little space on the Internet. Now, I maintain a blog that gets thousands of reads per month and I’ve gained a steady client list.

I was by no means a pioneer of the digital nomad movement. But I can say I’m happy I’ve beaten the impending revolution that is upon us.

The impending remote worker revolution

Perhaps calling it a nomad revolution is a bit extreme. At least, for now. Let’s start slow. We’re seeing the remote work revolution happening right in front of our eyes.

Thanks to COVID-19 (even if it’s the only thing we can thank COVID for), we’ve seen mainstream acceptance of remote work.

Companies all over the world are going digital. In the sense that they are allowing their employees to work from home. Many have announced they will continue such policy past the pandemic.

This has awakened a sense of freedom in many people I know. Friends, family, and acquaintances. I’ve seen a handful of my close connections start rethinking their approach to living.

We’ve seen a surge in what is being called ‘Zoom Towns’ all across the nation. Low cost of living is taking precedence over proximity to the office.

People are moving out of the cities and into the countryside. Perhaps not even the countryside but cheaper, cooler, and more natural environments. My hometown, Olathe, Kansas, is supposedly a top 10 Zoom Town in the United States.

People are moving to places that give them a better life. It’s the first step to nomadism. And, now, the timing is just right. It’s the right generation with the right motivation and the right technology.

It won’t be long before people start moving abroad.

Five years ago, I was finishing up college and was beginning to look for a place to start my career. It didn’t make sense to me to spend half my salary (or more) living in the big city.

I began looking for alternative ways to prosper. This led my search to remote work which, in turn, made me curious about these so-called Zoom Towns before Zoom was even a thing.

Then, I found a world abroad. There was so much unknown territory to learn about. Extraordinary places where I could live at half the price — even a quarter of the price of these Zoom Towns.

I don’t think it will be long before the world starts opening up after Coronavirus. These new remote workers will start realizing the potential opportunities overseas. That’s what happened to me and it is sure to happen to many others.

What are the best Zoom Towns abroad?

So, the question begs to be asked — where are the best Zoom Towns abroad?

I’ve traveled extensively through most of Asia, Europe, and Northern/Southern Africa. I’ve seen some incredible places — places I would love to settle down in someday.

I assess the balance between the cost of living, social life, and culture almost everywhere I go. When I travel, every place begins as a potential place to move to. From there, I can decide the best of the best.

Here are a few of the places I would love to live in one day — balancing the three traits I’ve listed: Cost of living, social life, and culture.

Note: These are in no particular order.

  • Budapest, Hungary
  • Prague, Czech Republic
  • Istanbul, Turkey
  • Lisbon/Porto, Portugal
  • Bali, Indonesia
  • Cebu, Philippines
  • Cartagena, Colombia
  • Mexico City, Mexico
  • Tbilisi, Georgia
  • Samara, Costa Rica

The revolution is upon us. I can’t say I didn’t see it coming. I’m glad if there is one positive in a shit storm of negatives from 2020, the nomad movement is it.

Have you considered relocating now that you can work from anywhere? Let me know in the response section below!

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** This article was originally published at **

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